
L.A.S.H. is the Women’s Ministry at Linked UP Church.  L.A.S.H. is acronym for Love Act Serve Honor.  This Women’s Ministry was formed to empower ladies with information, revelation, insight, experiences and opportunities to grow in God’s Word as we journey together towards being all that God has created us to be.  Growth takes place through serve projects, conferences, Connect Groups and community support efforts.  The L.A.S.H. Women’s Ministry is based off of Titus 2:1,3-5 (TPT).

Titus 2:1,3-5 (TPT) – “Your duty is to teach them to embrace a lifestyle that is consistent with sound doctrine. Likewise with the female elders, lead them into lives free from gossip and drunkenness and to be teachers of beautiful things. This will enable them to teach the younger women to love their husbands, to love their children, and to be self-controlled and pure, taking care of their household and being devoted to their husbands. By doing these things the word of God will not be discredited.”


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